Monday, March 30, 2020

Tutoring by John College Station - Improving Your Childs Academic Performance

Tutoring by John College Station - Improving Your Child's Academic PerformanceThe tutoring by John College Station is a fantastic way to improve your child's academic performance. It can also help them develop their verbal and writing skills, while boosting their self-esteem and confidence level.Parents are at an absolute loss when it comes to the education system. They know their children are struggling but cannot determine what is the cause. Schools are underfunded and teachers are stretched to the limit. Yet, they are working to keep up with the ever changing curriculum standards.Some of the kids struggle academically; they fail in English, math, or even in AP tests and if they are High School students they struggle with academics. For parents, it is extremely frustrating to see their child failing in these exams.It is time for parents to look to the outside and make an educated decision to choose the best course for their children and if possible, choose the course that best fits their child's talents and personality. Taylor Career Academy has an exciting program in the City of College Station, Texas that is designed to improve your child's academic performance.The tutoring by John College Station is a learning environment where parents and children can work together to learn how to be successful in a given subject. The concept of the program is very beneficial for parents and children as both parties can work together in setting achievable goals. When parents set these goals, the children become familiar with different ways of approaching a subject.Tutoring by John College Station will also provide parents with professional development for their children. The focus is on the educational and social skills that will allow your child to be successful. One such skill is creative thinking.With this skill, your child will have the ability to come up with new ideas that may not be present in the subject they are studying. This can help them become more creative t hinkers. With this type of skill, your child will be able to take part in group projects and brainstorm for many different ideas that may have been presented to them in class.The tutoring by James R. Hobson College Station is an exceptional way to get your child prepared for a given subject. There are many different tutoring services available in the nation, but only few of them can offer the quality of service your child needs. They will help your child, in order to learn all of the necessary information required for the course that they are taking. If you have any questions about this tutoring, you can contact them today.

Friday, March 6, 2020

China UnionPay Chinas main bankcard payment system on italki

China UnionPay Chinas main bankcard payment system on italki ???: ?????????: ????? italki. Were excited to now offer China UnionPay on italki. China UnionPay is Chinas largest interbank payment network, and almost every ATM card in China supports China UnionPay. For many Chinese, paying with their bank card is one of the most convenient methods of purchasing products and transfering money. By simply going to any ATM machine, a person can use their card to directly transfer money to another card. When you use China UnionPay on italki youll first be taken to China UnionPays payment gateway. Afterwards, youll be asked to choose which bank issued your card. Each bank will have its own payment process most will let you transact online with your bankcard. We hope this allows more users in China to get access to italki teachers and italki marketplace partners. We also want to say keep paying attention to the blog, because we have many more improvements coming soon.

How Can You Benefit From Online Learning?

How Can You Benefit From Online Learning?If you are looking for reliable and affordable learning materials for your class or special interests, HCC Online Tutoring might be the right choice for you. The company offers varied means of learning which can not only help you in your studies but also give you the opportunity to make a contribution to the society. One can find numerous online learning services in the world today which give you access to a wide range of learning options. However, online tutoring has its own advantages and disadvantages which you need to be aware of before making a decision.The main advantage of online tutoring is that it helps students take full advantage of their time and allow them to focus on their studies without the need of remaining physically near the classes or listening to the students' comments while waiting for lectures. Since online tutoring services are available in different languages, the whole idea is that you do not have to learn a new langu age and you can just concentrate on your studies and study till you graduate. This means that you can save money and time on your educational activities.Another advantage of online learning is that you do not have to be present at the classrooms or teach a class yourself. You can take the entire course from home by means of online tutoring courses. Thus, you get the opportunity to spend more time on your education which would definitely enhance your learning abilities.Another advantage of online learning is that it allows you to interact with other students online and communicate with them. The communication tools available on online learning platforms are extensive, as they allow you to make your own profile, join and start chatting with other students and enjoy the same through a variety of chat channels. Thus, you get a chance to get in touch with the other students, who may actually help you out in your studies and provide you with a lot of information about your chosen subject or discipline.Another advantage of online learning is that you can also make use of the software which is provided by the company and can easily edit or even modify the contents, design the whole website and even get involved in the administrative tasks at the website itself. The company however, provides only an ideal platform in which students can post questions and solutions. They cannot provide you with answers nor can they make you comfortable as the online tutoring services usually lack the services of an actual teacher. Thus, you would have to answer your own questions which may sometimes be difficult to understand.Online tutoring services also offer other features such as some teachers are only available to take queries during the times when students are using the online service. This would help you in your studies as you can see what the teachers have to say and discuss with them on topics related to your study. However, you would have to pay an extra fee if you want to ava il of this option.Online tutoring services are the best way to stay ahead of your class and keep you focused in your studies. The good thing about online learning is that it could be the best way to learn, as it can help you make valuable contributions to the society and make you realize the value of education.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tutoring Jobs in Barrington, Illinois

Tutoring Jobs in Barrington, IllinoisTutoring jobs in Barrington, Illinois are very important and growing every day. It is not only because of the people who need help. It is also because the economy has been struggling to cope with the increasing cost of living. This means many people are unable to pay their bills, which means they do not have enough money to take care of all the needs of their families.Barrington is a small town but a good one. Because of this, there are a number of services that the residents have to look out for. For example, schools need tutors to help students learn how to read and write. The neighbors and their kids need tutors to help them be able to get through high school. Doctors and other medical professionals need tutors to help them understand anatomy, pharmacology, physiology, biology, and other subjects.Taught abroad in other countries is another service that Barrington residents can offer. People can take lessons from tutors who live in another count ry, such as Spain, France, or India. You can ask for an apartment in Barrington for them to teach you English or French in the country you want to live.Tutoring jobs in Barrington are growing so fast that they need to be listed on the Internet so that more people will be able to apply for them. In order to make it easy for people to find them, the web site for this is Barrington Live. There are several types of tutoring that people can do.The most common jobs include teaching people how to read and write English and also help people to understand things like anatomy, pharmacology, physiology, and other subjects. Many tutors will teach others the art of music. People will be given tutoring in piano, guitar, or even singing.You can also learn to play the violin or even sing! Tutors will be giving you instructions on how to do all of these things in no time at all. It will also give you an idea of what it will be like to live in a new country where you know nothing.So if you want to le arn some English, want to go to college, or just want to help people through tutoring, you should check out Barrington. The neighborhood is good and there are a lot of wonderful things to do in the town. So if you're ready to start tutoring other people and becoming an awesome teacher, go ahead and start your new life in Barrington, Illinois!

An Introduction to Alkane Definition Chemistry

An Introduction to Alkane Definition ChemistryAlkane Definition Chemistry is a term that most of us should know. It is in reference to the system by which the gas that you breathe in is broken down and turned into a gas that you exhale. So yes, it's true.What is it called, you ask? Well, I prefer to call it a change of state that occurs during your normal breathing, but even better than that is the term definition that is given to it by the American Heritage Dictionary. It's not just the acronym that is unique.The American Heritage Dictionary defines alkane as 'pH that is less than seven on the pH scale; that is generally found in acidic or basic solutions.' However, most dictionaries agree that the word actually comes from an Italian name that means acid. The Italian name can be traced back to the Latin word for acid. In fact, it is usually pronounced A-Lane.When you hear the word alkane being used in a dictionary, you might wonder why this is a good thing to hear. Why should you le arn what an alkane is? The answer is quite simple. It's a good way to know what our air smells like.It is no secret that the smell of a room or an area can tell you much about its inhabitants. Of course, the smell of a room is just as affected by food and drink that has been left out for a while as it is by something more immediate. However, the scent of a room can tell you more than you think.Because we breathe through our noses, when we turn the air into the room too cold it will be converted into a gas known as flat white particles that can easily fill a room. Once this happens, the air in the room will smell just as if someone was cooking something on the stove. There is another reason to learn the science behind what we breathe, as well.Most of us take their central heating very seriously. As such, we have central heating systems that are set up for maximum comfort. How much do you know about these systems? You know, when it is cold outside, you set your central heating to go a ll the way up to the max and as soon as you flip the switch, it starts heating the room the moment the AC is turned on.

College Board Sat Test Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

College Board Sat Test Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace SAT test is the test owned by the College Board which helps analyze the academic knowledge of the student in important subjects. SAT, also known as Scholastic Assessment Test is the popular test taken by high school students in order to gain admissions in desired colleges and universities. SAT test scores reflect the understanding of the concepts learnt by the student and it helps the students to be able to showcase their academic achievement to their respective colleges and universities. SAT test is conducted many times a year and students can take the test based on their availability and convenience. Typically, students who take SAT test are high school sophomores, juniors or seniors. SAT test consists of 3 main sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. Each section majorly consists of multiple choice questions and students should pick the right answer by selecting one of the options. In SAT, it is not always recommended to guess an answer for a doubtful question since there will be negative penalty for wrong answers. So unless very sure, it is otherwise risky to guess an answer as points will be deducted from the existing score for a simple wrong answer. Questions in SAT are of different types and range from easy level to medium to difficult level questions. Time is a major constraint in the test and hence students must practice working on questions in a very less time. SAT examines the logical and conceptual knowledge of the student and hence students must practice accordingly. College Board Sat Test Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace SAT is an abbreviation of Scholastic Assessment Test and is the standardized test owned by the College Board. SAT is taken by high school sophomores, juniors and seniors to get into their desired colleges and universities in the United States. In addition to the admission application and high school transcripts, SAT scores make the application look even more impressive as it reflects the academic achievement and knowledge of the student. SAT exam prepares students to be able to handle college level academics and therefore this test gives the students the opportunity to improve their academic skills and showcase their knowledge. SAT is conducted many times a year and after good preparation, students can take the test according to their convenience. SAT test paper examines students in 3 important sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. These 3 sections analyze the logical and conceptual knowledge of the student. The 3 sections majorly contain multiple choice questions with few questions in math being grid-in type questions and an essay question in the writing section. Students have to be aware of the fact that there is negative penalty on multiple choice questions if a student gives wrong answer. Therefore, it is recommended for the students to answer multiple choice questions only when they are sure of the answer instead of guessing, as wrong answers will simply deduce points from the existing score. Students are allowed to use scientific or graphing calculators on the test for the math section and hence students can use it appropriately.

Tips for Learning the Piano Quickly

Tips for Learning the Piano Quickly How Can You Optimize Your Piano Learning? Chapters Learning to Play the Piano: Using Both Hands Independently Learning to Play the Piano: Understanding Theory Learning to Play the Piano: The Rhythm Learning to Play the Piano: Reading and Playing at the Same Time Learning to Play the Piano: How to Position Your Body How Long Does it Take to Learn to Play the Piano? Learning to Play the Piano as a Child What if You’re an Adult? Playing the Piano with YouTube Videos! One Last Thing...Along with the guitar, the piano is one of the world’s most recognizable instruments.  There are so many people that want to learn how to play it. Learning how to play the piano can take a lot of time.It’s a demanding activity. Unfortunately, there isn’t a magic way to learn the piano by snapping your fingers. You need to practice whenever you can and put the time and effort in.How Can You Learn the Piano Properly?Over the course of this article you’ll find out some important information about learning to play the piano (choosing your sty le, the right tutor, the basics, getting piano lessons near me, etc.). When you start learning to play the piano, you’ll quickly come up against a number of challenges such as playing with both hands, for example.You’ll see that it’s not as easy as it looks and overcoming this challenge is the first thing you’ll spend most of your time doing.Generally speaking, when you play the piano, your right hand tends to play the melody while the left hand harmonizes with said melody. Put simply: melody on your right hand, chords on your left.However, it’s not always that simple. Contrapuntal music, for example, doesn’t tend to follow this pattern.If you’re right-handed, you’ll probably also notice that it’s much easier to play with your right hand than your left. Your left hand is pretty useless and weak. Right from the start, you’ll tend to only use your right hand.It’s not a problem if you start out like this. The melody is what you’ll usually learn first, anyway. Ho wever, to really play the piece, you’re going to have to incorporate your left hand.Anyone who’s started out by teaching themselves a few things will have also started out in this way. Once you’ve got the melody down, it’s time to start working on the chords.  There’s no right way to do this. Everyone learns a bit differently, after tall. However, you’ll have to use both hands eventually.Before you’re able to play using both hands, you have to be able to use both hands. How can you play the piano with your left hand? Or rather, how can you learn to play the piano with your left hand?To overcome this first challenge, you’ll need to start playing with just your left hand (by practicing scales, for example). You need to be doing this as soon as you start learning to play the piano! Don’t wait two months before you start using your left hand. Don’t waste any time!Once you’re beginning to feel more comfortable with your left hand, you can then move on to using them both at the same time. The key here is to master using both hands and then bring them together.Learning to use both hands at the same time can be a nightmare! (Source: Jason Plant)When you first start, just work on playing the same notes with one hand at a time. Then do it again with both hands. Then learn to play a very simple piece where each hand has a different part. As always, learn each part independently. This is the first rule to follow: never start by trying to use both hands at the same time.Deconstruct the piece and think about the sound. Over time, your brain will start doing this automatically. Believe me! You don’t need to rush.You’ll see that playing different parts with both your hands is getting easier and easier. This may take some time, but eventually your hands will remember their individual parts. At this point you’ll be able to start playing pieces with both hands from the offset.Don’t forget to pick easy pieces in the beginning. Make sure they’re sui ted for beginners. You’ll probably need at least a year before you start getting comfortable with playing using both hands independently.Don’t get discouraged at the beginning. You won’t become the next Mozart overnight.Discover our top tips for learning how to play the piano! Learning to Play the Piano: Understanding TheoryThe second problem you’ll come up against is music theory.Learning to play the piano requires a good understanding of music theory. This isn’t usually the most fun part of learning to play an instrument but it is incredibly useful whether you’re playing a keyboard, electronic, upright, or grand piano.You could learn to play the piano without learning any theory, I suppose. However, you’ll quickly find your abilities limited, especially when it comes to playing classical pieces or creating your own.Fortunately, there are plenty of books dedicated to the subject. There are plenty of piano tutorials on YouTube to help you get started. However, they can only take you so far without any understanding of music theory.Music theory can be difficult when you’re first starting out. However, it’ll help you learn pieces much more quickly in the future. There are two things you should know about music: notes and rhythm. You need to learn about both of them.  You’re probably familiar with the notes in one way or another. There are seven of them. A to G. You’ll need to be able to read them on a staff.  You might even remember some of these from school.Being able to read these notes is usually quite simple. You’ll see that you only need a few minutes (or hours) to work them out.  However, rather than working them out, you should be able to recognize them the second you look at them. If you have some music in front of you, you should be able to name every note you see as you look at it.By learning about music theory at a music school or with the help of a private tutor, you’ll progress much more quickly. Understanding music theory is the quickest way to mastering your instrument.  However, you should probably also be familiar with music terminology when you’re talking about it.Don’t forget that the piano is an instrument that uses both the bass and treble clef. This means you’ll need to be familiar with both. The notes on one clef are different to the notes on the other. This means that a “C” on the bass clef won’t be in the same position as a “C” on the treble clef would be.Learn how to play the piano faster with these top books! Learning to Play the Piano: The RhythmOnce you understand the notes, you’ll need to move on to studying the rhythm.  Music is basically notes in a particular rhythm, after all.  You can’t separate the two.Without rhythm, there's no point in learning to play the piano. (Source: TecnoVortex)Rhythm is also an important part of music theory. You need to be able to read what the notes are but also how long they should be played for (you can use a metronome to help you , too). This means you need to know the note value: whether it’s a whole, half, quarter, eighth, etc.We recommend working on the note value without thinking about what note it represents. You need to have an understanding of the different values before you can move on. You can’t just learn their values, you have to learn how they interact with one another. You need to know that a whole note lasts the same as four quarter notes. This is important when practicing. You should also make sure you’re familiar with measures.  A piece of music is divided into units known as measures. Generally, a measure is four quarters.  However, this isn’t always the case. This might seem completely alien to you at the moment but once you get started, the idea of time signatures will become second nature to you.The time signature will tell you exactly how you need to read each measure. Once you’ve mastered this, you can even play around with it a bit.  It’ll be great for improvisation. Learni ng to Play the Piano: Reading and Playing at the Same TimeOnce you’ve mastered your music theory and reading music, there’s one more thing you need to do. You’ll have to play the music. This is something that’s really difficult in the beginning because you’ll need to do a lot of things at the same time.You’ll have to work a lot in order to be able to read and play at the same time. This will require a lot of practice and a lot of training.  It’s a lot harder than it looks.It'll be difficult to coordinate your hands at the start. (Source: Piano Learning)Here’s some advice: read the notes and don’t even touch the piano. Then work slowly with each hand individually. Your hands and your brain need to get used to recognizing the notes on the paper.Another piece of advice: start doing this with slower pieces of music. Don’t even consider doing this with faster pieces. Bit by bit it’ll become second nature. Keep this in mind every time you type something on the comput er. Remember when you used to peck and seek with your two index fingers (I hope you still don’t do this!). Just by using your computer every day, you probably don’t even look at the keyboard anymore when you’re typing and probably use all your fingers when you do. The piano's the same. Just be patient!Working on your scales is a good way to do this as you’ll associate the notes on the keyboard with the notes on the page. We’ll talk more about scales later on.There’s no other secrets: you’ll need to practice to get better. It’s normal to make lots of mistakes when you’re a beginner. Stick with it and you’ll soon start progressing faster and faster.You don’t just use your hands when playing the piano and you don’t just use your mind, either.  Playing the piano uses your entire body. To play the piano, you’ll need to be sitting comfortably since a good posture is essential for playing the piano as well as you can.You need to be well positioned in front of the keys.Sit directly in the middle of the keyboard in front of Middle C. Your arms need to be almost perpendicular to the keys. Your elbows need to be at the same height as the keys or slightly above this level. Of course, this depends on how tall you are. A private tutor will be able to help you work on your posture and decide on the best way for you to be when you play the piano.Poorly positioning your elbows and your fingers is not only detrimental to your playing but also your health. If your elbows are too low, your wrists won’t be in the right place and you won’t be able to press on the keys as much as you’d like to. Make sure to get a piano stool to ensure you’re sitting in the right place.On the other hand, having your elbows too high is also a bad idea. Your forearms will be above your fingers.Your back must be straight. Beginners tend to lean towards the piano. This can result in back pain. Make sure your stool is big enough so that you can comfortably turn towards th e highest notes and the lowest notes.Your body also needs to be in the center of the piano so that you can reach the pedals more easily. The pedals are located right in the middle of the piano.Become a piano expert by playing with both your hands. (Source: in the center also means you can reach all the keys more easily. This also means you can play with four hands (using two pianists, of course). In this case, the piano is split into two. The first pianist plays the chords on the lower end of the piano while the second plays the melody on the higher end.And, of course, your hands need to be on the keys. It’s suggested that your fingers are curling slightly downwards. Imagine you’re holding an apple in your hand. However, this will depend on how big your hands are. A pianist with big hands won’t adopt the same position as a pianist with small hands. It’s best to ask your tutor about the best position for you or even have a look on the Internet for examples. Make sure you’re also doing breathing and relaxation exercises to help you. Think about loosening up your body (especially your wrists and shoulders). You need to make sure you don’t have any stiffness. You’ll play much better if you’ve taken the time to loosen up and warm up than you would if you’re stressed and tight.Playing the piano is a bit like dancing. Your entire body is involved musically. Your feet are using the pedals while your fingers are touching the keys.Relaxation is important because playing the piano can also be “tiring”. Playing the piano is like exercise for some. Make sure you also relax your muscles after having played the piano (and after your lessons). You don’t need to keep pressing down on keys that are already pressed down, either. It doesn’t change how a note sounds and it means that you’ll save energy.Master these tips for piano improvisation! Learning to Play the Piano: Working on Your ScalesWe mentioned them earlier in the article. Scales are one of the most popular piano exercises in the world.  In addition to being used as a warm up, scales can be used for a number of reasons. In recent years, scales have become decreasingly popular to the point where some teachers completely avoid them altogether.So what are scales? Scales are a series of notes played in succession with a predefined interval between said notes. A scale usually gets its name from its first note. The number of notes in a scale can also vary. Some have ten notes while others only have five.Scales can be used to improve how quickly you can play. Most songs are built around them, too. Scales have another use: learning to play in time. Using scales can help to develop your rhythm. They can also help you when it comes to positioning your hands and fingers.Scales are also useful when you first start out as they can help you recognize different harmonies. If used correctly, scales can help you understand music theory better, recognizing the element s that make up a major scale or a minor scale, for example. A student learning a piece in a certain key will learn it much more quickly if they’re familiar with the scale.In fact, it’s highly recommended that students learn a given scale before they start learning any piece utilizing it.  There are plenty of resources on scales, too.If you’ve already learned to play another musical instrument, you’re probably already familiar with a number of scales. How Long Does it Take to Learn to Play the Piano?This is an important question. Like we said before, learning to play the piano can take a lot of time.  How many hours a week should it take?There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. This depends on a number of factors and which methods are being used to learn to play. Firstly, not everyone can practice two hours every day and also study music theory. You need to take into account their other commitments.Furthermore, it completely depends on why you’re learning to play the piano: if you’re wanting to master Liszt in two years, you’re going to have your work cut out for you. You could commit several hours a day. Some people can get better at the piano by spending only a few hours a week, too.Whether you practice ten hours a week or two hours a week, you need to practice regularly. Make sure you always put aside some time to practice playing the piano.It's important to take the time to consolidate your music lessons. (Source: PB Security)Starting out isn’t going to be pretty. You might think you’ll learn an incredible piece in a few weeks but you probably won't. Don’t get frustrated! You’ll get there. You just need to be patient and get used to playing regularly.Don’t forget to practice technique as well as playing.Alternate between playing a piece and practicing scales and techniques, etc. This will help you to progress much more quickly. You’ll go from beginner to intermediate in no time.There are other things you need to tak e into account, too: how you work, your concentration, and how often you practice. Don’t forget that you only need to practice for four or five hours a week. That’s one hour a day, not including the weekends.  However, it’s difficult to get any better at the piano if you’re only practicing one hour a week. Learning to Play the Piano as a ChildA lot of parents ask: “What age should are child start learning to play the piano at?”On the other hand, adults ask: “Am I too old to learn how to play the piano? How long will it take?”So is this important? Age is an important factor given how hard your brain has to work when playing the piano. Brain development slows down with age.Let’s have a look at different age groups and their growth.From 0-6:  Perhaps a little young. Let them discover it naturally.Music can act as a supplementary stimulus for babies and young children.Every parent should have a good collection of piano music, orchestral music, piano and violin concert os, and operas, etc. and let their child to listen to them in their room or around the house.Lots of parents tiptoe around and whisper while their baby is sleeping even though they really shouldn’t. Babies will learn to sleep in a normal environment (complete with various noises).From 6-12: Learning music in stages.This age group usually undergoes significant brain development. Learning seems almost effortless at this age.From 13-19: The age at which pianists mature.  This is the age at which pianists can delve into advanced music theory and play complicated pieces.A pianist at this age will start developing their own styles and tastes, make sure you’re encouraging them! What if You’re an Adult?Lots of adults who want to learn the piano are asking this question. Adults don’t learn as quickly children, right? In some ways that’s true. We memorize things more quickly as children and this works as much for learning languages as it does for playing the piano.However, if we del ve a little deeper, you’ll see that you needn’t lose all hope!You can learn to play the piano at any age and become an excellent pianist by starting at 30, 40, or beyond. Some start learning to play the piano when they retire and become surprisingly-good pianists a few years later.  Age isn’t important, motivation is.  That’s what drives you towards becoming a better pianist.Even at 90, you can start having piano lessons. (Source: Steamline 365)No matter how old you are, you need to be motivated in order to learn to play the piano. It requires a lot of work and effort. If you’ve already learned to play another instrument, you’ll know how much hard work it can take. Getting better takes time so don’t get discouraged.On the other hand, it is true that adults tend to have less free time to dedicate to this pursuit. Our working lives take up so much time if can be difficult for adults to practice as often as they should.The only way to get better at playing the piano (and learning without getting bored and giving up) when you’re an adult is to give yourself goals, schedules, and stick to them.Regularly practicing is the most important thing. Even if you’re up to your neck in work, you can always find 30 to 40 minutes to practice playing the piano. Especially given that the average American watches over 5 hours of TV per day!Practicing the piano is an even better way to relax. Music is great for your brain. It improves your concentration and alleviates stress. In fact, music can also alleviate stress from our bodies. Do you need another reason to start playing the piano when you get home?Should you learn on your own or with a tutor?There are several ways to learn how to play the piano: alone, with a private tutor, or at a music school. There are no wrong answers. Some people learn brilliantly on their own. However, others may need structured lessons and advice in order to improve.It really depends on your goals. If you just want to learn how to pl ay a few songs for your friends, without studying any theory, learning on your own is more than possible. If you want to learn how to play some of the world’s most difficult pieces, you’re probably not going to manage that without outside help. Don’t forget that you can also look for resources and tutorials on-line.If you’ve decided to learn on your own, you should probably get the right tools for the job. There are a number of ways to learn how to play the piano without the help of a tutor.Once again, perseverance and motivation are going to be key. Without a tutor driving you forwards, it can be very easy to cut corners or even given up as soon as you encounter any difficulties.It’s very difficult to stick to a schedule when you’re the only person telling you that you have to. Not having a set time to practice will also make it harder to get into a routine. If you’re great at procrastinating, it’s probably not the best idea in the world to teach yourself.In this ca se, you should already be looking at hiring a private tutor to help you. This may be costly but it’s better than buying a piano and giving up.A piano tutor is so much more than just somebody who tells you how to play the piano. They’ll also motivate you, give you a study and practice schedule, and help you fall in love with learning about music.  A piano tutor loves their instrument and their passion for it is usually contagious, meaning that sooner or later, you’ll end up loving the piano, too. Don’t forget that you can find plenty of piano tutors on Superprof!Going to a music school is also another option if you don’t feel like getting a private tutor or learning on-line. There are plenty of different classes available:beginners pianoprivate tutorialstheorymusical awakeningjazz pianoclassical pianomusic trainingmusic historysinging lessonsTaking a class could help you find private tutors. They’re often cheaper if you’re working to a strict budget.Whether you’re wor king on your own or with the help of a tutor, you have to work in order to improve. It’s worth it in the end. If you want to play your favorite pieces, you’re going to have to regularly sit down in front of your piano.With Superprof you can find a tutor that works for you. As well as helping you discover new types of musics, your private tutor can adapt the piano lessons near me to suit you and make sure you get the most out of every hour together.Some tutors love classical music, others love cinema, and some prefer jazz or blues piano. Make sure to check out which before you make your decision. If you get along, it’s probably a good idea to keep having tutorials.Private in-home tutors are often fantastic teachers who might even teach another instrument you’re interested in. For them, teaching is a way to share their passion with their students. They use classes to delve deeper into their passions while exploring techniques they love. Before you start learning in a particula r way, you’ll learn to enjoy learning about music.Why should you learn the piano?Your lessons will quickly become one of the most enjoyable things in your life. If you’re motivated and determined to learn to play the piano, don’t waste any more time!Join the conversation: is learning how to play piano as an adult more challenging? Playing the Piano with YouTube Videos!This certainly isn’t the best way to learn to play the piano or read sheet music but it is worth mentioning. Why not check out the thousands of videos available on YouTube?Every day thousands of pianists all over the world upload video tutorials of them playing their own versions of famous pieces by Bach, Chopin, and Mozart, etc.Can you become a pianist with YouTube? (Source: YouTube)You’ll come across two main types of piano videos on YouTube:Synthesia: where you can watch the color-coded notes play out on the screen. It looks a bit like Guitar Hero if you’re familiar with video games.Videos where the pian ist films themselves playing the piece.Neither of these are ideal for beginners. Why? Simply because neither of them technically tell you how to play the song. They don’t tell you the rhythm, the rests, or the phrasing: things which have taken these pianists years to master.However, that doesn’t mean they’re any less fun:you can learn without the sheet music,it’s a new interpretation of the original piece,you can learn modern songs like TV or movie themes, or songs from current singers,You can take inspiration from the way the song is played in order to drive your own creative.If this seems interesting, we should also recommend that you use YouTube for help with your music theory. Remember: you can’t skip any steps. You need to start with a strong foundation.Remember that we’re recommending YouTube tutorials here for those who can’t take private tutorials. Furthermore, the Synthesia videos are useful for showing budding pianists where they should be putting their hands .  This is very useful for those visual learners.These videos also open up a whole host of possibilities. Once you’ve found one of these videos, a whole heap of suggested videos will be there on your right. You might find yourself spending hours practicing.Make sure you check out different genres and styles, songs that you wouldn’t normally listen to or learn how to play. Go explore YouTube. Listening to different styles of music is great for encouraging creativity and giving you some inspiration.Don’t forget a simple search is all it takes to find plenty of resources on how to play the piano. You can also search how to play a particular song, too. You’ll no doubt get plenty of interesting results!Learning piano on-line isn’t always the easiest thing. While you may enjoy the freedom of learning whatever you want, it’s hard to establish the routine and discipline you need to really improve when it comes to playing the piano.For this you’ll need a private tutor or lesson s at a music school, especially when you’re first starting out. No matter what instrument you play, having your own personal tutor gives you an opportunity to ask questions and clarify things you don’t understand. You don’t get this from in front of a screen. One Last Thing...The best way to learn the piano, I believe, is with the help of a qualified piano tutor.  Tutors are always available to guide you better than any book or YouTube video ever could.However, I understand that you might still be asking the following question:  â€œHow can I learn on my own?” If your mind is made up, then here’s something I’d recommend:  Follow Andrew Furmanczyk on YouTube.He’s a piano tutor who’s produced around 200 free videos on how to play piano and music theory.  He starts with the basics and things you should know about the piano and music theory.  He’s a good tutor who explains everything for beginners.However, if there’s something you don’t understand, the only thing y ou can do is watch the video again (as many times as you want). At least it  won’t cost you a penny.Discover how you too can tune a piano...